Friday, 12 June 2020

The Missing Eight Years

So, this blog has been dormant for some eight years, huh? At the time that I stopped posting here, around 2012, life got a bit too much. Something had to give, and the thing that gave was my comics drawing.

Since then, I have escaped the soul-destroying job that was then destroying my soul. I got a role as an archivist, only to discover that to call yourself an actual archivist you need some high-flying qualifications. So, I saved up some and went back to uni. While I was saving up, I wrote a bunch of comic scripts. After initial rejections I thought "oh well, let's make these scripts into full comics myself, it'll be a learning experience."

So that's what this blog is going to be moving forward. I'm going to put my own comics here whenever I manage to fit them between work and uni. Which might mean years pass between posts, but that's life I guess. If you want me to be able to comic faster, you'll just have to campaign for an end to economic systems that seek to minimise our spare-time in the name of maximising convenience-industry profit. You should campaign for that even if you would prefer me not to sully the world with my scribbling too; we don't have to live like this, there are other ways.

Comics to follow...

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